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Thread: Trip report April 10-16, 2009 (Kinda Long)

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Trip report April 10-16, 2009

    So, a trip report….regale the masses with the intricate detail of a Hedo virgin’s trip to paradise…hmm…where to start?? But, first you should know, I’m a straight guy with a fair amount of trepidation, who jumped in with both feet and went to Hedo on the solo plan. I went with one expectation – to chillax! We’ll see, won’t we!

    I’ll begin with a few lessons learned:
    1 - Rookies pack way too much and never use half of the stuff/clothes packed! 7 days/6 nights, I used three shirts/pairs of shorts to go to the dining area during b’fast and dinner, if I made it there at all.

    2 - Water - drink water. Stay hydrated. It will help you stay in the game and not crash too hard. Every moment counts. You won’t realize that until the bus is pulling out from the front and you want to phone your boss to tell him you lost your mind and will be staying in Jamaica the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

    3 – Talk to everyone. They want to talk to you. The shy will sit on the sideline. The sideline is no place for a Hedonist!

    4 – Naps are not just for babies. The smallest of siestas will revive your zeal for the party of the night.

    ================================================== =====

    Okay, so I get there on Friday kind of later than I wanted to (about 5-ish). Delays in Dallas landed me at MBJ almost two hours behind. The bus ride was fine. A stop along the way for a couple of red stripes made the second half of the ride breeze by. The left-side driving was a trip. No Problem Mike, our driver, showed us how to pass a car as you crest a hill, completely oblivious to the notion of oncoming traffic – Yikes! Man, do these Jamaicans use their horns or what.

    Check in was smooth. I walked in - they took my name - Less than two minutes later I was being escorted to my room. I booked OVN. It was nice, but not really necessary. The best views were at the nude pool, beach and hot tub!! Oh yeah!!! The Hot Tub. The HOT HUB of everything HEDO!!!!!

    I spent a few minutes getting stuff out of my bags and then SNAP….WTF! What am I doing? My anal retentive ass was trying to unpack. WTF again! I dropped my clothes grabbed a good towel found some flip flops and marched off to the pool bar before the sun went down. As I got close to the bar, all I could see was nekkid-nude people – OH NO – Men/Women – talking – playing - yelling – laughing – holy SHIT - What kind of vaca did I book? I was totally intimidated. I don’t know anyone! Oh my God – my worst fear – I’m a Vinnie – worse yet – I’m a Wallie – I’ll never fit in. Shit – shit – shit. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked up to the bar, I get the barkeep’s attention and order--- I know lame—a beer. Gimme a break – my mind was going a mile a minute, so ordering something sophisticated was not gonna happen.

    So, my towel’s wrapped around my waist. It’s coming loose slowly and I can feel it. I reach for it to keep it from falling when all of sudden I can hear someone talking to me. WTF – Oh Shit – Conversation – already??? I grab for the towel - Scumba’s handing me a beer and someone’s talking to me about Wild Turkey being purchased by a French company. Something’s gotta give. I’m having sensory overload. The GD towel is falling - get the beer – wild turkey what???? AArgggh - fuck it! I caught the towel – threw it over my shoulder – grabbed my beer – smiled as best I could – turned to the wild turkey guy (Uh Huh – Uh huh) and thought----this is my introduction to Hedo – In for a penny, in for a pound.

    I’m nude talking to a dude (I'd rather it be a girl) standing in Jamaica with a beer in my hand my boys on the loose my ass totally nekkid not looking too graceful with the whole towel grabbing thing, but WTF! I chatted with the guy for few minutes and then walked off after he got his drinks. From then on, it was no big deal. The veterans are right. You gotta jump right in so you don’t miss a minute of it.

    I made my way to the pool. Found a spot at the swim up bar and burned a few minutes listening to the chatter. I saw some folks I met on line and recognized them from their pics. I took the wild turkey guy’s approach and decided bashful was for the birds. I called out to them and they immediately recognized me. We got acquainted and they introduced me to a whole other group of people. Less than an hour in Hedo and I was part of a group – a group of naked people from all walks of life, of all shapes and sizes of several different colors all spending time talking – drinking and most of all LIVING. The weight of the world at home was falling off my shoulders so fast that words can’t express the relief that was coming over me at that very moment. I was home. Really, some 46 years on this earth and I just came home.

    The next few days were filled with very late nights and very little sleep. I’ll sleep when I get home (I thought). You don’t really seem to need a lot as long as you take a small nap in the late late afternoon. I met a girl from England and we had dinner together. I met a nice couple from Germany (M&G). I met another girl (‘E”) from Germany and shared some cocktails with her on the deck outside the dining room on my third evening.

    I met two single sisters from Florida, S & P. Both very nice. P and I hung out the rest of the time together. We met several different groups. To the rookies, if you think people don’t want to interact, you’re wrong. Don’t be shy. That’s what they’re there for. That doesn’t mean sex. I’m talking about talking, sharing life experiences and making life-long friends. I read about in the forums, but wasn’t really sure how it would come. It comes naturally, don’t over-think it. Some of it was a blur and some was very soft -sensual and will remain with me for the rest of my life.

    P and I took second place on the nude waterslide the first day it was opened up for our group. The second day I won first place for the biggest splash. P won second place for the best “O” scream. We all had to make three runs to qualify. On the second run I mentioned to P that the prudes at the prude pool looked bored. I suggested we invade the pool with the 25 plus nudes going down the slide.

    I finished my third run and learned as I got out of the plunge pool, that P floated the suggestion past everyone else and we were on! The 2009 Prude Pool Invasion was a GO! Once the waterslide was done, we all huddled at the gate between the slide and the prude pool deck. KATA gave the signal and in excess of 25 completely nekkid peeps overran the 15 prudes just wallowing in their prudish pity. Bathing suit clad bodies were dodging and darting everywhere, trying to avoid all the nekkid cooties. We played with THEIR volleyball for a few rounds and then unceremoniously excused ourselves from the nightmare that was the prude pool on that day. The 2009 PRUDE POOL INVASION was a resounding success. I have to give a shout out to the 2009 PRUDE POOL INVASION Co-Chair….”P” you were magnificent. Never was there a better hanging out partner than YOU!

    We had the opportunity to convert two groups of semi-prudes to nudes after a late night at the disco. Some of the best times were late at night at the hot tub. PDA’s were often, but never too much. Only a couple of guys made pests of themselves. Something I wanted to avoid for myself. I found that easily accomplished through a lot of respect, careful and thoughtful conversation. Refrain from getting sloppy drunk.

    The piano bar is a great source of entertainment. It’s never the same since the audience interacts with the performers, so no two nights are the same. Karaoke night was the bomb. I’ve NEVER sang in public, b/c I can’t sing well at all. But after much cajoling and a lot of coconut rum, I was up there singing Kenny Rogers to P. Who was that guy? And how did I become him. The magic of HEDO, I guess. Well I want more that’s for sure.

    The last night I was there, all my friends and I agreed to dress up a little for my last night. I was going home a day before all of them. I was gonna miss Toga Nite – stupid rookie. Everyone looked great. P looked so pretty, I can’t even tell you. We ate. We danced our asses off in front of the main stage. I think my little group danced so well we stole the rest of the night from the EC’s. Some of us made it to the piano bar for one more round of entertainment. Later, we spent a few hours enjoying the Jamaican air out by the pool and the jetty. The Hot Tub was busy, but the air was peaceful. Somewhere in the middle of the night, it was time for me to go. I needed to pack and be ready for my ride to the airport.

    The next morning was somber. The onset of DIF was obvious. I said good-bye to everyone and waited the remaining ten minutes for the bus. It seemed like forever. I had a rush of emotion like never before. On the ride out, I was so conflicted by the bonds I had made over just 6 days at Hedo. I met so many wonderful people, so many great couples, and so many real friends. Would I ever see them again?

    Like I said before, I read about this on the board, but didn’t know how it would feel to experience it first-hand. What an elixir of life - The cure to my aching heart - The respite for me, the weary traveler through a life of ups and downs. I left Hedo with a resolve to return. A resolve to be changed wholly, not in part. A resolve to keep the bonds I made with my newest of best friends.

    P.S. Best staff I encountered at Hedo in no particular order: Nigel, Scumba, Delroy, Kata, Natalie, Charles, and GG. Okay, I confess Scumba kept the booze flowing. Nigel made sure I got my share of Jerk chicken everyday! Slainte, Bros! Respect every time!

    P.P.S. Mark Twain was right!!
    Last edited by d281; 04-24-2009 at 10:40 PM.
    Apr 10-16, '09
    Mar 31-Apr 6 '10 / Jul '10 Fluffs!
    Apr 7-12, '11
    Jul 14-21, '12 Fluffs
    Sep 1-6, '14
    Oct '16 Fluffs
    Apr 1-8, '18 Fluffs / Jul 5-11, '18 Fluffs
    Oct 27-Nov 2, '18 Fluffs
    May 4-11, '19 FLUFFS! / Nov 28-Dec 2, '19
    Oct 28-Nov 4, '20 Fluffs
    Jun 7-13, '21 W-W-W
    Dec 30-Jan 5, '22 NYE / Oct 29-Nov 3, 2022 Halloween
    Oct 30-Nov 3, ‘23 Halloween
    Nov 30 - Dec 5, 2024 - Hedo Anniversary

  2. #2
    Registered User dezzy's Avatar
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    On the ride out, I was so conflicted by the bonds I had made over just 6 days at Hedo. I met so many wonderful people, so many great couples, and so many real friends. Would I ever see them again?

    After 3 trips the last day never gets any easier
    Back at Delroy's November 16th to 26th for Spanksgiving

  3. #3
    Registered User FrednPatti's Avatar
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    We don't go to H2, but we just had to simply say after reading your trip report.....

    WOW !

    We have been going to Hedo for 1 year now and can totally relate to everything you wrote.

    Welcome Home!
    Celebrating 10 Years of Spring Fling Fun at Hedo in 2018!

    Virgin Trip Hedo III 4/10-17/2008
    New Years Eve, Dec.26 to Jan 3, 2009 Bare Bottom Bunch
    Fred's 60th Birthday Celebration 07/16-21/2009
    Co-Host of kitten & angel's Spring Fling April 2009 - 2017
    Co-Host of kitten & angel's Spring Fling 04/07 ~ 04/14/2018

    kitten & angel's 10th Anniversary Spring Fling 2018 - April 07~14

  4. #4
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    Dezzy: I've been home a week now and its getting worse...the only thing i know to do is look at pics i have, read these boards and start planning the next trip. i'm already moving money around and stashing pennies....LOL

    FrednPatti: Thank you very much. I read a handful of your posts when i was trying to get ready for the trip. all the info the experienced people offered was helpful. the best info was from you guys who post the positives. there's so much to say, one can't put it all into words easily.
    Last edited by d281; 04-25-2009 at 05:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User FrednPatti's Avatar
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    Glad we could be of help!

    Perhaps you need to compare 2 and 3 and come join us in 2010? (yes, you will probably need a short trip in between but... )
    Celebrating 10 Years of Spring Fling Fun at Hedo in 2018!

    Virgin Trip Hedo III 4/10-17/2008
    New Years Eve, Dec.26 to Jan 3, 2009 Bare Bottom Bunch
    Fred's 60th Birthday Celebration 07/16-21/2009
    Co-Host of kitten & angel's Spring Fling April 2009 - 2017
    Co-Host of kitten & angel's Spring Fling 04/07 ~ 04/14/2018

    kitten & angel's 10th Anniversary Spring Fling 2018 - April 07~14

  6. #6
    Registered User weliveinvegas's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    lol...another convert, thanks for the report, its obvious that you had a blast, now the to work through until next you return.

    Ivy and Rick
    "Once you go, you will know"

    Ivy and Rick
    "AWOL 2016, Let's Get Together"

    Next Trip: Hedo II, 7/23 to 7/30, 2016

  7. #7
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    Somewhere in Texas...Somewhere...

    Thumbs up Additional info on the resort

    my first installment centered on "the experience." so this is about Hedo and the resort as an enterprise.

    Food: IMHO, was very good. I ate each day from the main dining area, so I could enjoy the stage show with my friends. everyday, there was a good variety of food. The pasta line was always well attended and folks seemed to enjoy what they got.

    Rooms: My room was clean. the staff was very attentive. when i declined service, they left me alone. when i posted for service, it was prompt. The A/C was strong and kept my room cool. i had no problems with hot or cold water.

    Bars: the bar staff was great. once i made their acquaintance and talked with them a little, they became my friends and service was great! The knew my drinks and the drinks my ladies were taking too!

    Nude Grill: Nigel was the bomb. He took care of my order every afternoon.

    Front desk: very good - at all hours. in the deep of the night - one night - don't remember which room card didn't work. They asked some security questions and once my ID was verified they squared away a new key for me. No problems at all.

    The Grounds: constant maintenance. they're maintenance maniacs. someone was always trimming, cutting, clearing or cleaning. very impressive. the place looked great.

    I took some floats and never needed them.

    Someone on the boards suggested GATORADE for hangovers. I brought some and it was great for curing that problem.

    I never had any problems getting a lounger on the beach or at the pool. There were no problems with folks "saving" their place.

    I've been to an all-inclusive before and there were hidden charges... I found none here. I hardly spent any money at the resort. truly all-inclusive...!!

    the entertainment was great. the hosts were fun and energizing.

    I took a bubba keg with me, but didn't use it. i found the small little plastic cups were a good way of regulating the alcohol/water intake ratios. it worked for me, but if you're drinking beer, i really wasn't...had just a few...then it would be a good idea. probably good for frozens like the pinas or the daiquiris.

    So IMHO the resort was great and in good shape. I really had no complaints!

  8. #8
    Registered User caughtyoulookin's Avatar
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    Sounds like you had a good time. You even got to act out and be a social menace. Terrorizing prudes is fun. Good going.

    The place is really addicting. I convinced the new wife to go a month ago and she took an extra week to arrive home mentally. She has never experienced relaxation the way it happens at Hedo. Seems once you loose your inhibitions and your clothes, you loose the tightness inside and you totally relax.

    Time to book the next fix...
    I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was.

  9. #9
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    d281 - your report makes me want to do this more than EVER!!!!! I am making it to Hedo this year alone or with my guy, but I am going!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Registered User weliveinvegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhett View Post
    d281 - your report makes me want to do this more than EVER!!!!! I am making it to Hedo this year alone or with my guy, but I am going!!!!!! is infectious...and not in a bad way...

    Ivy and Rick
    "Once you go, you will know"

    Ivy and Rick
    "AWOL 2016, Let's Get Together"

    Next Trip: Hedo II, 7/23 to 7/30, 2016

  11. #11
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    Jhett - Nice Pic on the profile - Thanks for the reply, I had a blast as you can tell.

    caughtyoulookin: I'm already moving money around and stashin' pennies.
    This site is helping keep my sanity from the depths of DIF.
    It ain't you said, "infectious," but in a good way!!!

    I wanna go "home."
    Last edited by d281; 04-30-2009 at 10:46 PM.

  12. #12
    Registered User divandude441's Avatar
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    A great trip report!! You took us right back there! Can't wait...we'll be there 5/23. I agree with the other posters...great job terrorizing the prudes! Someone tell me please...WHY do PRUDES go to HEDO 2?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by divandude441 View Post
    A great trip report!! You took us right back there! Can't wait...we'll be there 5/23. I agree with the other posters...great job terrorizing the prudes! Someone tell me please...WHY do PRUDES go to HEDO 2?
    Thanks. I come back and read it for myself too from time to time. I'm jonesing really bad for the next trip....its probably gonna happen sooner rather than later.

    Knock one down for me while your there!

  14. #14
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    I can't figure out who you are. My wife and I hit the naked waterslide every day and we both invaded the prude pool with the group. Jeff, my wife and I were always the last ones on the waterslide when GG didn't show up to eliminate us.

  15. #15
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    Well, nothing about me really stands out except for my big rambling mouth. No tats or anything.

    I was the 45 year old w/m with a slightly older gorgeous blond lady. avg build - brown hair - red stash...a little celtic...just a little.

    Kata scored me well on the Wednesday waterslide and I won a bottle of rum.

    When we jumped into the pool, my lady friend got on my shoulders.

    dunno if that helps
    Last edited by d281; 02-02-2010 at 06:57 AM.

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