Better late than never.....

Trip report, Hedo III, Jan 14-21, 2004

Sorry it has taken over a year, but we thought that we would never get a chance to go back, but we were wrong, and thank god for that!

Most of this is written from our memories, and what good ones they were. After flying for over 10 hours we arrived at Mo Bay airport, to the mass confusion known as customs and immigration. It was hard to remember how long we were there, but it was a good chunk of time. We did enjoy seeing the band welcoming us into the immigration area. Next was finding the resort booth. Which was not so bad, but the arrival part of the airport was very dark and rundown. The one thing that got us on our first experience was the fact that Superclubs pushes the idea of “no tipping” but, unless you read the fine print, does not tell you about the bus drivers and porter. We were not ready for this, and so we had to pass out Canadian money. I do not think the guys were too happy with this, but we are from Canada and had very little US dollars. Next came everyone favourite experience, the bus ride. The roads are really bad and at the rate that they work, it will be a while before they see the completion of the very needed highway. However, the buses normally stop about halfway to the resort so you can get liquor and use the washrooms. It is a really long bus ride - approximately two hours. Stopping for a quick drink is a good thing. They all drive like lunatics - on roads that resemble goat paths! We would recommend sitting at the back of the bus if you are faint hearted. One positive thing about the long bus ride is that you get a chance to really get to know a number of people before you get to the resort. These will be your first friends at Hedo.

We arrived at the resort in one piece! At the check-in counter, they had a lady handing our cold wet face cloths. That was wonderful! Amanda, said you could see the stress of the day being wiped away! The reason of the whole trip was to get married, and to avoid all of the stresses of a big wedding, like we would of had back home. The hardest decision was to decide which colour of flowers you wanted in the bouquet.

A few days later, the big day came. We had no problems and it was a snap! The whole thing took an hour and a half, and that was with pictures! We were happy with the whole thing. But I will say that the pictures taken came out very dark compared to the ones we took ˝ hour later. The down side was that they lost the wedding ring boxes. Which really was nothing because what do you do with them anyhow? Collect dust?

On an interesting sidenote, when we arrived at our hotel room we found that out that we had two single beds pushed together close together. Each was made up with its own comforter and its own set of sheets. We thought it was interesting but said nothing. The day after we got married, the cleaning lady had removed the second comforter and set of sheets making up one huge king bed. We had a pretty good chuckle.

On that Monday, we had booked a trip to go to Dunns Falls and other spots. Sunday night, I had become sick and was not up to really going, but with a 100% cancellation fee, we were going! They picked us up at 8am and we did not get back until around 4pm. They did not tell us that they do not stop for, nor provide, a lunch. On two pieces of watermelon for breakfast. I was starved (and still sick)! A good note to all of you that take those Kodak waterproof cameras: MARK YOURS!!! While at the falls, ours got mixed up with a couple from another resort (but lucky enough on the same bus trip). Both had the same amount of pictures taken. We did exchanged addresses incase we guessed wrong.

The staff at the resort was excellent. Two members of the entertainment crew stood up for us when got married. Anytime after our wedding these two people would hug us and check to see how we were enjoying our vacation. One of the restaurant managers, Earl Gray, knew about our wedding and spoke to us throughout our vacation to make sure we were having a good time. He even met us the day of our departure in the lobby to say good bye! We certainly enjoyed this type of personalization The resort grounds very clean and looked after. The resort definitely felt safe. I don’t think that you could turn a corner without running into a staff member or security person.

I had a great time diving, and did it 4 out of the 7 days we were there. The only problem with that was that we seem to be going to the same areas after a while. But any chance to blow bubbles, I was going to take.

Then the time came for us to come home. Normally you are happy that you are coming home, but at Hedo, it seams like you have to leave the party early, and just when it was getting good. We had breakfast with the first couple we met on the bus ride, Mark and Becky. They would be leaving an hour or so after we left. With tears in our eyes, we hopped on the bus and headed back home.

The really down side was that while we were in +30C weather, back home was in a deep freeze (-30C). Amanda had used her sneakers to climb the Falls and they never did dry. So she spend all day in Toronto shopping (before our flight home to Fredericton) in her sandals and heavy socks.

Ahhh yes, the memories.

Kris & Amanda