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Thread: What is allowed? Rules? Etiquette?

  1. #16
    Registered User SanDiegoDave's Avatar
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    Parking in High school was great. My crowning moment was sex in a moving car. (as passengers in the back seat!)

  2. #17
    Registered User PNK's Avatar
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    "What is allowed?"
    I think Jason and partner need to know that Hedo is not a sex camp: it is a vacation resort. And yes, at times some people indulge in behavior that would not be approved by their local church, PTA, political party etc. On the other hand, there is no higher authority 'permitting' this or that behavior. One week might see the 'guest' turning a blind eye to a couple 'bonking' by the pool. Another week might see a circle of 'friends' scoring the bonkers' performance (Olympic scoring cards). Or an insulted Security guard might send the 'offending couple' to their room.

    It's a vacation resort. The guests change daily -- sometimes hardcore lifestyle, sometimes gay, sometimes more vanilla. There is no 'they' passing out indulgences. One learns to read the 'audience' and behave withing certain accepted parameters -- or be score carded, or warned off. Of course one can always go away from the crowds, find a shaded spot and get down to business.

    But this couple would probably find life easier and less restrictive if they booked (bonked) some place well away from Negril -- a Florida Key perhaps. Or the back seat of a moving car!


  3. #18
    Registered User Wedo2's Avatar
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    Last edited by Wedo2; 05-08-2017 at 10:58 PM.

  4. #19
    Registered User SanDiegoDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wedo2 View Post
    Has "parking" gone out of stye ? We didn't get the memo.....Attachment 8919
    That is NEVER out of style in my book! ENJOY!!

  5. #20
    Registered User clary1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wedo2 View Post
    Has "parking" gone out of stye ? We didn't get the memo.....Attachment 8919

  6. #21
    Registered User jeanie_hotpants's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason451s View Post
    Hey guys, wife and I are in our mid 20s and love public action. We are not swingers and will never be swingers we simply just love the erotic nature of doing something out doors with people possibly seeing but we don't want to be gawked at. I understand we may be asking for a little much but is it possible to go to hedo and just be to ourself. We don't want people trying to talk to us or asking us to play. Ideally it would be to be topless during the day at the pool for her, maybe a handjob or fingering in the pool or on the chairs around the pool and then at night we would just like to be on a chair maybe outdoors where I can finger her/ eat her out maybe fuck her but without people staring, we understand people are gonna pass by and possibly be doing the same thing as us but is this possible? How about the play rooms are they dark enough that people won't see us? It would be hot to fuck her and hear other people having sex but again don't want anyone coming too close to us or asking to get involved. If this isn't the right resort for this feel free to point me in the right direction. Thank you!
    I guess I will be the dissenting opinion here, but I think you can find what you are looking for at Hedo. If you go at a time when there is not a big swing lifestyle group there and if you stay to the "prude" side of the resort. Hedo is a friendly place. I can't guarantee NOBODY will try to talk to you or ask if you swing, but a simple "No" is all that is needed. If you are staying to yourself and not making an effort to engage with others, they will likely not be intrusive. The clothing optional side of the resort is usually peaceful and sparsely populated at the pool and the beach, even on a week they are at full capacity. Find the hidden hot tub, a platform bed, or a nice hammock and enjoy yourselves.

    I think most of the negative responses here are from the majority of people who go to Hedo for the wild, crazy, social, spring break atmosphere that is the nude side. Nothing wrong with that and I enjoyed that my first 3 visits with my ex. My fourth visit was with my boyfriend and we stayed to ourselves and enjoyed being intimate in LOTS of places all over the resort. When we were social, it was because we chose to be open to talking with others, not because anyone forced it on us. Hedo truly is what you make of it.
    Jeanie Hotpants

    Past trips:
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanie_hotpants View Post
    I guess I will be the dissenting opinion here, but I think you can find what you are looking for at Hedo.
    I'm going to have to dissent your dissent - OP's quote "We don't want people trying to talk to us or asking us to play."

    "Trying to talk to us" - people are friendly at Hedo, so if you don't want people talking to you, its not the place for you.
    "..or asking us to play" - people are sexy at Hedo, so if you don't want to be propositioned, its not the place for you.

    I can understand not WANTING to be social, or "interactive", but to get all pissy just for being talked to / asked - that's not really the Hedo spirit.

  8. #23
    Registered User GandG's Avatar
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    Well I am not sure they are being pissy, sometimes writing and hearing is hard on the web.. But just my two cents. We have been to hedo eight or nine times and are in the lifestyle and have never played with another couple while there? Just hasn't been in the cards. We enjoy the atmosphere , the people rock! And we have never not had a great time. Have we been invited, sure, have we said no, sure, have we enjoyed ourselves sure has anyone watched sure, have they stared , I don't know I was busy. If you are wanting to not join in, then don't, if you want alone time, find it, if you want people not to watch, people are there to have there own good time. You having sex will not be a OMG thing and everyone turn and look, will people notice, yes for about 20 seconds and then go about their day, now if you are doing some crazy monkey move, or have a pink tutu on while your having sex people might watch a little longer. But that would be cause your putting on a show

  9. #24
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    It's your vacation, people are friendly and will talk to you, but I never not had anyone not talk back.. You could be the first.... you may get propositioned.. take them both as a complement and just move on. You don't have to participate in anything. People will catch on if your not friendly..... that all said.. Anyone have a pink tutu we can borrow....

  10. #25
    Registered User GandG's Avatar
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    See now we know who wants to be watched

  11. #26
    Registered User phillygirl22's Avatar
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    The OP sounds like the type to start drama because someone is watching them. Have sex. In public. (Can you hear my eye roll?)
    I am 100% sure, based on words used, the OP should believe their doubts and, well, go find that private island!

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GandG View Post
    Well I am not sure they are being pissy, sometimes writing and hearing is hard on the web.. But just my two cents.
    I completely understand that statements on the internet may come off separate from the meaning intended, however, I have personally witnessed couples _REALLY_ getting offended, I'm talking level 11 "jimmies rustled", at the most polite, and dare I say "Christian", proposition, along the lines of "hey, you seem fun, interesting, and sexy, would you like to move the party indoors?"

    So, yeah - to all those people who throw a dart at the Caribbean and pick Hedo, without a single google search, and are expecting to be 'left alone' and 'not talked too', then yeah - probably not the best destination pick.

    If you aren't in the LS, that's fine, if you want to just watch, that's fine, but if you're going to be upset with compliments/propositions/friendliness - yeah - that's no bueno.

  13. #28
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    I think the bigger question is why would you go on vacation and not want to talk to anyone? That is part of the fun of traveling, meeting new people and making vacation friends. At Hedo, you make naked vacation friends. And now we know anyone wearing a pink tutu while getting busy really wants to be watched. ;-)

  14. #29
    Registered User MNMYYC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJ and DA View Post
    I think the bigger question is why would you go on vacation and not want to talk to anyone? That is part of the fun of traveling, meeting new people and making vacation friends. At Hedo, you make naked vacation friends. And now we know anyone wearing a pink tutu while getting busy really wants to be watched. ;-)
    We agree, the main reason we continue go to Hedo is to meet and socialize with all the great friendly people. Not to mention all the nakedness, sex, fun, games, sex, playing, drinking and sex. It is whatever you want it to be!!

  15. #30
    Registered User happy2us's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJ and DA View Post
    And now we know anyone wearing a pink tutu while getting busy really wants to be watched. ;-)
    You needed the ATF website for that?
    Hedo II 4 Trips
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