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Thread: Cop N kitten Sept 2015 Trip Report

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    Registered User CopNkitten's Avatar
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    Cop N kitten Sept 2015 Trip Report

    Monday 09/14/15
    We got up not too early to put our bags in the truck to head to parking to leave for Miami. Hit two major construction zones and even had to detour off the highway and cut through the city but still got there plenty early. Check in was a breeze, no lines, and security was pretty much the same. The only issue is I could not find my luggage scale and both bags were just over weight, and they would not let it go even though I said I would purchase a carry on before our next flight tomorrow. So I had to combine stuff to make one bag overweight and pay $100 extra. So we had two hours before our flight, so off we went to look for a bag. Of course they only had one place in the airport with luggage and they were not cheap. I ended up getting a nice purple carry on with 4 wheels on the bottom and I put my big purple computer/camera bag I carry on to the plane inside of that.
    Flight was no problem, watched a movie on my iPad, a lot of infants and toddlers so I am glad I always take that. Land in Miami and get our bags, very hot and humid here. Now I call for a shuttle and the guy says “just go to the second floor”. So I say “anywhere on the second floor” and he says yes and hangs up. Nice. A nice elderly flight attendant was sitting there and guided us to the place. We flagged down a Marriott shuttle and off we go. We get to the hotel and get our bags and in the lobby we tell our friends that we are in the lobby. He says no you’re not. Apparently there are multiple levels of Marriott’s in this area. So off we go, down the parking lot out to the street, dragging our luggage (which my large bag now has a broken wheel and does not really roll well, guess it was overweight), thru the gas station parking lot and into the right hotel this time.
    We were already checked in but two busses had unloaded people just prior to our arrival and one of the two elevators were broken, so we waited 30 minutes in line for the elevator, for people that had obviously never used an elevator before in their life. Finally got into our room and took a quick shower.
    We walked across the street for dinner at an amazing seafood place and I got a three tiered seafood platter. They had a giant screen outside and we had the Eagles game put on. Great seafood, Eagles football, my lovely lady and our great friends, life is good.
    We went back to the room and watched the last quarter there, shame they lost in the end.
    Up at 6:45am for our quick flight to Jamaica. Curbside check in is the bomb. Security was quick again, I saw a bicycle police officer there and had a nice chat and he had them put us through first class security line though there really was no line for either, so it went fast. Boarded the plane a short time later and off we went to Montego Bay. A lot of kids on this flight again so it was iPad and movie time.
    We did Club Mo Bay but it was not very crowded so we probably did not need it. Though it was nice to just breeze through everything and then their lounge to await our bus was nice and it was cool being in the old Superclub Lounge, lol. We had something to eat a few cold drinks and they even made us drinks in cups to take with us.
    There were the four of us and two other couples on the bus. The couple in front of us had a very sexy Asian girl and it was obvious after a few minutes that she was with the models that were onsite for the model shoot they were having. I was torn between wanting to see this lady naked and thinking of hearing her talk all week, omg. For the first time ever I put my headphones on and watched the end of my movie on my iPad.
    The other couple got off at another resort up the street and the model wanted to get off to use the rest room, but was convinced to wait as Hedo was only 5 minutes away.
    We arrived and were escorted off the bus to the new check in which was a small room all the way to the left past the piano bar and the wine bar. Check in was quick and we had our room keys. Off we went to room 2121 which is down by the big wooden lion on the boundary line from nude and prude.
    A quick unpack and get our sunscreen and off we went to the nude pool. We saw some people we knew from past trips along the way, Mrs. Earthangel along the way, who was looking sexy as always.
    We hit the nude pool, saw a lot of old friends. Had a few drinks and just chilled. It rained a little while later and we were all around the bar. It rained for quite a while but we were so glad to be here it did not matter.
    We were drinking pretty good and very hot lady said hey cop do you know who I am. Now I am thinking that looks like Angela from Switch-hitters, the second biggest poster on the adult travel forums, but she’s not here. So then I look at her name tag necklace and it says Angela, so I think ok it is her, but she’s not here. Then she says she the second biggest poster, and my mind says, that’s Angela, But she’s not here. Well apparently she is here, lol. Way to try and make my head explode on our first day.
    We wanted patties from the nude grill but they did not have chicken, only veggie and beef, so I got some jerk chicken.
    We went in the hot tub for a bit after the rain stopped and then it was time to go as I had a vow renewal to do at 6:30pm. A quick shower and change and out the back door to renew the vows of D & J, for their 25th Anniversary. Apparently the sun sets quicker in September (one hour time change) so 6:30 is a little darker but we made it work. Mental note of we want to do a sunset vow renewal we need to do it earlier in September, lol.
    We went back to the room to change, a little gray for 50 Shades of Gray for JWST and a little light up glow for the resorts glow theme. We went to Pastafari for dinner and there was no wait or reservation needed and we walked right in. It was a little warm as it is a lot but good service and great food.
    After desert we went down to the prude beach for the show under the big tent. We did a quick pack after two weeks in the mountains in a cabin prior so I did not pack our portable fans. Forgot how hot and humid it is in Jamaica in September and since we were not in the dining room with those lovely ceiling fans, it was a little warm there.
    The show was great with Winston and the EC’s performing. The lead singer female EC was not that good a singer though, may be time to promote one of the other ladies for those duties. Winston was amazing, as he always is. The dancing and show were good.
    The models were doing a superhero theme. I noticed that two of them were a character from the X-Men comic’s and movies. One was Emma Frost the White Queen and the other was Emma Frost the White Queen in diamond form. I went up to tell them as I figured no one would recognize them and I was right and got a big high five from both for knowing who they were. The first was chatting with me like I was talking to one of my friends, then the other spoke, and it was the stereotypical model, wow. Nice to look at, and I will leave it at that.
    Even though it was Karaoke night we stopped by the piano bar after the show because we wanted to see Eldon but it was his night off. A lot of the people we know from the JWST were outside just chatting so we hung out there for a while talking with everyone. It was great to catch up and have fun with people we have been seeing over the years.
    There were some of the men from the model group smoking pot in the chairs in the area with the fake grass outside the piano bar, which is no smoking but apparently they did not care.
    We went back to the room to drop our clothes and hit the hot tub for bit on the nude side. It was not very crowded but the people that were there were having a good time. We didn’t see anyone we knew so we just hung out to about 1am and then went back to the room for our own fun. Not bad for our first night, lol.
    Wed 09/16/15
    I got up and paid for a week of Wi-Fi, went online to update everyone, and post a few pictures from here. Started my notes and got semi caught up.
    My sex kitten got up and we went to Pastafari for breakfast. It was the exact same as if we were in the dining room, except every station was just one, but with low amount of people, there was no difference. They had the omelet station and all the sides in a buffet style.
    We went back to the room and made it to the nude pool by 11am. No lines or waiting for a drink. The sun was shining, and it was a good day. We had other people from our group that were here, F&K. Then P&S (Ontario from the forums) showed up. And we even had an appearance from one half of a couple from our group, F was walking in the pool, his lovely lady B is expected on Saturday.
    We just hung out and relaxed most of the day. We had lunch at the nude grill, no chicken patties again so I got the standard, jerk chicken.
    A sexy lady that we have been flirting on and off for a couple years felt that today was the day she wanted to have some fun. So after a check with kitten, the two of us headed back to my room for some fun. You know who you are, and I have to say, when you let your hair down, it highlights your beautiful face, you should wear it like that more often, and I had a very good time and hope to do it again in the future.
    After some fun we went back to the nude pool, where it started to rain for a bit, but did not last too long today and cleared up. So we hung out there for a while longer until it was time to get ready for dinner.
    We went back to the room to shower and dress for fetish night. My sexy kitten looked amazing. We ate at the buffet under the tent area on the beach. They had duck, spicy shrimp and a big pig on the carving table with some special pig sauce, lol. Even though we love duck, the pig was by far the best with the sauce, very good. Some people said that when they ate later though some of the food was cold because the serving trays were all left open and let all the heat out.
    We watched the show, a lot of sexy dancing and costumes. Then they did the show where they bring an inflatable pool out and one of the girls gets in and they pour milk over her. Well the first couple shows were racy but this was stepped up from the past times we saw it, with the girl simulating a b/j of another EC at the end and spitting the milk up and down on her body.
    After the normal show they had the black tape girls, some are nice to look at, designs, etc, but we have seen it all before so kitten and I went to the piano bar. Got our drinks from the man himself, Eldon. Then the show started. Once again I have to say a 180 degree turn around of my opinion of Deon. He and Stephanie did an amazing job, worked the crowd without being pushy or rude, and both were great singers. We stayed until the end.
    After the piano bar we stopped by the play room and there were not a lot of people in there but a few couples came in and went on the one big mattress in there. I heard they usually have a lot more bigger ones but with the threat of rain they did not tonight. So we left there with a gentleman that kitten fancies and the three of us went back to our room for some fun.
    After some fun it was late but we went to the nude hot tub for a bit. Sexy kitten tried to get a pizza but the models and their photographers were just taking other people’s pizzas and it got all messed up so it took a while to get one. I was waiting by the hot tub, and it was a little too hot for me tonight so I was sitting on the edge and got bit up pretty good, I think by flies. So I went and got kitten and when we finally got the pizza we took it back to the room and ate it and relaxed. We checked online and then went to sleep around 3am.
    Thursday 09/17/15
    I got up around 9:30am and went out back to work on my notes and check in online. I got kitten up around 10:05am to head up for breakfast. We ate at the prude beach dining and they had one guy making omelets and a buffet of other things. We ate with our friends and relaxed and chatted.
    We went back to the room and then off to the nude pool, there by 11:30am today. We just hung out and relaxed, drank water with our drinks today and before we knew it, it was lunch time. No chicken patties again today so the standard as usual. I followed the sun around the pool as it went in and out of clouds.
    Later in the afternoon, about 4pm it started to get very dark and you could hear thunder in the distance. So we went back to our hot tub out back our room for a bit with our friends. When they left to get ready for dinner, Philygirl came to our back door, as it was pouring and she was in the hammock just outside our room. She came in while the storm passed for a bit.
    After the rain passed, she left and we got ready for dinner. We had dinner at the prude grill tonight. It was a sit and order dinner, not the buffet. The crab cake appetizer was really good, as was the sushi. The main course I got grilled shrimp and they were ok, 4 or 5 on a skewer. But they and several others seemed their food was not hot, warm, but not hot. I also got corn on the cob, and it was half a cob and that was cut in half with some brown stuff on it. I did not eat it.
    There were several people from the model group in the big long couch with cushions with chairs around it, but they were all going to the buffet on the beach, getting their food and bringing it back to the grill seating. So basically they were taking up seats someone could have sat down and ate at and were not eating there. Typical. Also a bunch of that group kept going to the seats just next to us but on the sand, part of the grill, but outside the normal seating, and smoking, with the smoke going right into us, as we were eating. Very annoying.
    After dinner we went to the seating under the tent for the show. A very good show again. A couple were sitting at the table in front of us, which was the first table, in front of the big fan, vaping the whole time. I know it’s not as bad as cigarette smoke, but please. And people wonder why nonsmokers are so down on smokers, because so many are just so rude about it.
    When the show was over we were heading to the piano bar and stopped at the bathroom by the prude grill. I could hear a bunch of high pitched voices (the models) in the ladies room, very loud and I could only imagine poor kitten in there. Then one of them came out and talked to a guy from the group and said “I don’t know, but I think it’s going to be a while”. I thought maybe one was sick or something. After a little while I see six models come out, laughing and giggling. Then kitten came out and apparently one of them went in the ladies room in a stall, locked the door and did her business but then could not figure out how to unlock the door. And apparently five others had to go in and rescue her. So if you’re ever asked how many models it takes to rescue another model in a locked bathroom stall, the answer is five.
    It was karaoke in the piano bar but we saw a lot of friends and had some drinks, and hung out with Eldon. After a few good singers it got ugly with some bad ones as it usually does, lol, so we all went and sat just outside the piano bar and chatted. A few models came out and were smoking just outside the door, where it is not allowed. And the men of the group were again sitting in the grotto area, over the green carpet, smoking pot. I really think they need to have someone check that area and enforce this.
    Well it was apparently shot night and we did a bunch of different shots, and just chatted with friends until we realized it was almost 1am. This was supposed to be an early night after the last night so we said our good nights and went back to the room to crash.
    Friday 09/18/15
    I got up around 8:30am and went outside to relax, do my notes and look at the beautiful scene outside the room, with a nice cold bottle of Ting. The models were out doing photo shoots by the water as usual.
    I got kitten up around 10am and we went to Pastafari for breakfast.
    Another good breakfast, with our friends Fred and angel, and a newer EC Prince joined us for breakfast. We ate and chatted for a while as there was hardly anyone in there.
    We went back to the room and got naked and went to the nude pool, arrived a little late today, about 11:30am. Just hung out and chatted with everyone, enjoying the sun. I did get some sunburn on my back so I had kitten use some 50spf on that, and re-applied after a few hours.
    We had lunch from the nude grill, and they did not have any chicken patties again so back to the old standard, jerk chicken and fries. I tried to give a French fry to one of those white birds that are around the nude pool all day but he just looked at me and then at my plate as if to say, I know you have chicken on there. So he took some chicken from my hand and then I had about six birds around begging, lol. Sorry guys I ate most of my chicken.
    Philly Dave got them to let us do the water slide even during construction so a bunch of us went over and did the slide. I went down twice, the first time was fine, the second I hit my left heel which is currently being treated for severe plantar facetious. Probably not the best idea, but I do so love the water slide. Thanks Dave for getting that set up.
    Late afternoon it started to cloud up again, dark rain clouds so we went to our hot tub to relax with Fred and angel, to relax and go over plans for our group trip in April, kitten & angel’s Spring Fling. And sure enough it did start to rain again for a few hours.
    We took our showers and I was going to dress as Elvis for Rock Star Night but I thought the wig would be too hot with the heat and humidity lately and no ceiling fans under the tent. Plan B then went well maybe I will just skip the jump suit too as that is not very light and just put my Elvis cape on, some tight shorts and Elvis glasses. I could not get the cape to attach and sit properly and ended up trying a few different versions when at the last minute it was decided, no costume tonight. Such is life. Honestly, though enjoyable, under the tent instead of the dining room just seems to lose some of that vibe, for dressing. Not a lot of people were dressing in costume.
    It was the Friday night Gala dinner and the thing we miss in April with our group, they have lobster on the grill on Fridays now. Lobster is out of season in April so we don’t get that. And the lobster was very good today.
    Today we did the Go Green contest, where you leave the go green tag on your door and the maid comes in and just spruces up and cleans, no towel replacement. You also leave your lights off and turn down or off your air conditioner and that puts you in for a drawing for $50 gift card which you can use at the gift shop, towards a massage, etc. Also on Friday they put all the ones from the week in for a free 3 day stay at Hedo. Not a bad deal, but of course we did not win, lol. Maybe tomorrow. They did not do the drawing at 8pm as it said though and we were going to be around for the Rock Star show anyway as that is usually one of the best shows of the week.
    They also had set up at the prude grill all the sushi and fixings that they have normally on Friday night so within a small area they did have everything they normally have, so nothing was missed.
    The black tape models were supposed to have their awards show at 8pm but of course they were not ready to start until 8:50, which meant that our show was going to be delayed while they did their thing just outside the tent on the sand. A couple models that were getting awards, even after it was announced a bazillion times that the ceremony was outside the tent in an area they had set up, they came and sat at a table in front of us, until someone came and actually pointed to them the set up and they were in the wrong place. I really try not to stereotype but man this week, geez.
    At 9:20pm they finally did the go green drawing. At 9:30 the show finally started. And of course once again there were people vaping in one of the front tables so the fans blew it back into the crowd. And no one said anything.
    As soon as the model event was over you could see one of the leaders, a guy, back on his little mini Segway thing that he rode all over the resort, in people’s way, showing off, all week. Really, in Hedo you need to ride that.
    The Rock Star show was amazing as always, great singing and great dancing. A really big party vibe finally hit the tent area. People were dancing and having fun.
    I want to give a big shout out to my sexy kitten, J & S who all wore pigtails for me tonight. And man those three sexy pigtailed ladies were driving me crazy all night.
    After the show we went to the piano bar and for a rare treat Fred and angel came with us. Contrary to popular belief one way or another they do not go to the piano bar a lot but also it is not they never go. They have been a few times before and they came tonight and enjoyed the whole show with us.
    Winston stopped in and sang, always a special treat. And even though he ripped it at the Rock Star show on stage we were still able to get him to sing his opera song. If you have never heard him sing his deep voice opera song, you are missing a rare treat.
    Outside the piano bar once again the men of the model group were sitting in the chairs in the grotto smoking pot, and there was a model laying on the plastic grass smoking a cigarette.
    We called it a night and left the piano bar around 12:45am and went back to the room. My sexy kitten started to take her pigtails out, ummm, hold on there, and leave them in for a bit.
    Saturday 09/19/15
    I was up at 9am and did my usual, got my ting from the fridge, my laptop, iPad and notepad and went out back to do my notes. No models today doing photo shoots. But still an amazing sunny view, as it is every morning here in paradise. I know it always goes by so fast and once again, just another three full days left here. Though we have been making the most of it this trip.
    I got kitten up around 10am for breakfast and we went to Pastafari again today, as we were supposed to meet Prince again and bring my laptop so he can see some of the costumes from us and Fred and angel in the past.
    On the way to breakfast I stopped and got some pics and a video of the construction since a lot of people online were asking about it. The JWST had the slide open so I knew just where to go for the pics, up top for an overhead view.
    Another great breakfast, no waiting just stepped in and got what we wanted.
    We stayed around chatting for a bit then stopped by the main office to double check on the private dinner we reserved for later in the evening. On the way I saw the construction door open by Pastafari and Fred and I walked in just a bit to see up close the construction and take a few more pics. After the main office we went back to the room to get naked and head to the nude pool.
    It was the last full day for a lot of our friends so we were busy chatting with everyone. I did get a chicken patty for lunch finally, they had two patties left when we went for lunch and one of them was chicken. And it was good.
    The EC Prince was doing a contest to see who had the best or most original hat. He said there was nothing but showing your hat so I got my umbrella hat and went up. I then tied my hat to my prince albert and borrowed Fred’s hat and put it on my nipple ring. Prince picked three people to be judges, but one of the judges was the g/f of one of the guys in the competition and he was actually wearing her hat. Well when the judges voted I won by one vote but Prince said it was a tie, so he wanted a tie breaker and told the DJ to “drop it”. Well that means he was going to play music and we were going to show our hats, so that means the other guy was going to dance and I wasn’t because I do not dance and he was going to win. So once again it came down to dance to win. I was so pissed because I just told him at breakfast that is why I don’t do contests and he said they don’t do that anymore. No I did not have to dance, but I would not win because the other guy would be dancing while showing his hat. So I told him to give the other guy the Hedo Bucks and I was out and not to ever ask me to join anything, ever again. Well I guess the other EC’s saw that I was mad because this carried into something later.
    Later on in the day two of the models came to the nude grill for food and got drinks at the bar and were wearing their bathing suits. So I mentioned to a female EC that should they not be naked. She said they were just getting food. So I said they have food on the prude side. She got all loud and said “What do you want me to go yell at them, get your food on the prude side or get nude?” Actually, yes I do.
    So with all that I decided that today might be a good day to just go take an afternoon nap, and kitten never turns down nap time. So we went to the room around 4pm for a 1-2 hour nap.
    We got up and showered. Yesterday we had barely any hot water, so we mentioned it at the front desk in the morning. Tonight we had no cold water. The shower was so hot, on full cold, that I could not wash my hair (not that I have much but I still like to wash it). So I did the best I could, and got dressed.
    We had a private dinner for four just outside our room, under the massage hut, behind the lion. Fred and angel showed up and we walked out our back door to the set up. Very nice, battery operated candles all around and a nice set table. The waiter showed up, Orlando, and showed us our menus of what we ordered and would be having. They were totally wrong and it took several minutes to get him to get it right. I didn’t think four lobsters, two with beef, and two with shrimp was that hard to understand, but maybe it’s me.
    The appetizer was very good as was the soup. The main course came and angel’s lobster was very spicy which she does not like spicy. So when we told Orlando, he said “seriously” and then laughed. Well we were not laughing and did not think it was funny since we specifically told them no spices on the lobster for her. Eventually they took it back and they made it without spice, though this time it seemed a little undercooked. The chef himself came out and apologized.
    We did enjoy the sitting out there, by the water, just the four of us that we could chat and relax.
    We started to head up to the tent for the show but heard the lead female singer from the EC’s from a distance and she is not very good so we detoured and went to the gift shop and then the piano bar early to get seats.
    The show at the piano bar is fun and entertaining but towards the end they had a guy sing who apparently thought he was a singer but was not. We went by the bar and said our goodbye’s to our friends that were leaving tomorrow. We also met a few people outside in the courtyard that were leaving tomorrow and said our goodbye’s as well. Sometimes we see them at breakfast leaving but since we will not be in the main dining hall I would assume most people will be waiting in the courtyard for their busses to leave. Back to the room for an early 1am night.
    Sunday 09/20/15
    Time always flies here, only two full days left. I was up around 8:30am for my notes and took my mandatory outside pics behind my room. Woke kitten up around 10am for breakfast and we went to the prude grill which is now called the ocean grill I think.
    Another good breakfast. No lines or waiting. We ate and chatted with friends. Then we went up to the gift shop for Fred and angel to modify the night’s costume. With the heat and humidity and not enough air circulation under the tent some night’s costumes had to be modified.
    Then we went back to the room to undress and spend some time at the nude pool. We could only stay for about an hour, and of course today was the perfect sunny day with not a cloud in the sky, when we had to leave for our massages.
    We booked an 80 minute massage with the discount the resort was giving because of the construction. I had Natalie which I have had before and I don’t know if her style just fits me or she remembers what I like, but what an amazing massage. Perfect.
    After the massages we went to the Ocean Grill on the prude beach for lunch. They had chicken patties so I had two. We relaxed and chatted before heading back to the room to get naked again.
    Time for some afternoon pool time. The sun was setting over the divider between Hedo and the resort next door but it was still warm and the water was still warm from the sun being on it all day. An old friend that I knew right away showed up in the pool, nice to see you again J. We chatted with him for a while, and his lovely wife L was taking a nap after a long day of traveling. We hung out and chatted and flirted and had fun until it was time to get ready for dinner.
    We went back to the room to shower and change. Today our water was perfect, so I took a nice long shower. I dressed in a new costume that I was trying out and kitten in her sexy school girl outfit. We had dinner in the main tent because it was pigtail night aka naughty school girl night. My costume seemed to be popular so its trial run was a success and it will be making its appearance in April with our own group. Dinner was good, they had shrimp and fish and some kind of red meat on the carving station. Again some of it was only warm not hot because they keep the chafing dishes open instead of closing them between guests. But nothing was actually cold so it was ok.
    The show was a singer they bring in, Jerry I believe. Very good singer and performer. But even he looked extremely hot up on stage. A lot of people were up and dancing and having a good time. Another great show.
    Towards the end we went to the piano bar to get a good seat and honestly to get into the air conditioning. We met a bunch of our friends there and the eight of us got the chairs just behind Deon for the show. Deon again did a great job, had a few people sing, and got a couple on the piano for some fun. But we knew we had to get up early for the Chairman’s cruise so we left about midnight. Also my stomach was not feeling that great, something at dinner did not agree with me. So we went back to the room and crashed.
    Monday 09/21/15
    Once again the week has flown by and we are on our last full day. I got up around 8am to do my notes and post my morning picture from out back the room.
    We had breakfast at the Ocean Grill, and again nothing to complain about. Though we had to get up early because we were doing the Chairman’s Cruise, which was normally on Tuesday but was moved to Monday. This is the cruise that is free while construction is going on. After breakfast we went back to the room to get our bag for the cruise.
    They picked us up by the water sports, and there were a lot of people on the cruise. A good portion of the resort was on this cruise. We walked through the water to get onto the boat and off we went. They had beer and rum punch and a lot of bottles of alcohol so you could get just about whatever you wanted to drink. We stopped a short while after we departed to snorkel. They insist that you have a life jacket, so I had one tied around my hand but that really slows you down, from getting around and seeing more. I did see a very large leopard spotted stingray, about four feet across and at least at 6-8 foot tail. I notified the other snorkelers around me and followed him for a bit.
    We all got back on the boat and we went underway. The captain let one of the guests steer the boat for a while and she seemed to enjoy that. We had not taken this particular cruise in a while and we figured we were heading to the cave, which we did. I went in again and swam through the cave, saw the bats, gave some tour advice to the people that it was their first trip, and then hung out around the boat. As it was time to get back on the boat I did my standard waiting until everyone else was on the boat before I boarded, in case anyone needs help. There were people that were still going down the water slide and apparently they talked one of the EC’s that were on the boat to go down the slide and they would have a life vest for her in the water where she landed. Then I learned later that this particular EC, though she can really dance, cannot swim. She went in the water and did not look well. She got onto her life vest and was floating with another EC and I swam over to ask if she was ok, she said she was, but the look on her face said no. So I asked if she needed help and she said yes. I told her to grab onto me from behind and I would take her to the back of the boat to get on. While we were swimming over she had a death grip on my neck and I told her a little lighter as I had to breathe too. She loosened her grip and we got her back on the boat safely. This is why I don’t get out of the water until everyone else is out.
    We sailed back to the resort and I missed doing it at sunset because it is a beautiful sight as your heading back. On the way out and back we could see in the distance a really big fire was burning somewhere on the island. One of the boat guys said it was the swamp. When it gets too hot some kind of stone ignites the gasses around the swamp and it starts a fire.
    Once we got back we went to the room and dropped our clothes and went to the nude pool for lunch. They had plenty of chicken patties today and I got two. We then just relaxed for a while, but it was later in the day now and the sun was setting over the divider again and it got a little cool. We tried the hot tub but it was too hot so we went back to our room and enjoyed the hot tub out back of our room as that was the perfect temperature.
    Our friends left after a while and we went in the room and lay down for a short nap.
    Up to shower and pack. We did a light packing this trip and it did not take long. And a lot easier as I found my lost luggage scale at the bottom of my bag when I unpacked.
    Dressed in our Jamaican wear for Jamaica night and went to Pastafari for dinner. There was no line to wait and we got a table right away, where we wanted. It was the same menu as the previous time we ate here, and I got the same meal. Escargot appetizer, greens with pumpkin seeds (though this time they were out of pumpkin seeds), a crab pasta and then fish for the main course. It was all really good. We decided to skip desert and head to the tent for the show just in case they had the steel drum band there, The Silver Birds. While leaving the resort you could actually see the flames rising up over the trees from the distance, smell the smoke from the fire that was still burning and the whole prude end looks orange from the fire. We asked if we should be concerned but everyone said it was a long distance away and no worries. We arrived for the go green contest but did not win again. Though a friend of ours did win, for the second time this week.
    The steel drum band was there, and they again amazed by playing some of the latest songs that are out there. They did a full set and danced and did some sexy moves that had not previously been in the act. Though after one set they did leave, I seem to remember them doing two sets before. After they left it was the house band and we got our stuff together and went to the piano bar.
    Deon was there early and putting all new wires in as the set up was giving him problems all week. He ran all the new wires all around, and in the end it turns out the main speaker box was bad so he had them get another one from around the resort and then it was good. After all that there was still a slight hum through the speaker, lol. Deon and Stephanie played a few songs and then they had two people come up and sing, that were not good singers, back to back. We decided to call it a night as we had to get up early to leave the next morning. We said our good byes to some friends and of course Eldon. Then back to the room to finish packing and get some sleep.
    Tuesday 09/22/15
    I got up at 7:30am. Went out back to do the notes and get a last look at the scene out back of our room as I won’t see it in person until April 2016. The fire must still be going as I can see ash still falling around the resort, and it looks like snow. Snow in Jamaica, now I really have seen it all.
    I got kitten up around 8am to final pack and get our bags out so I could head up and do our check out.
    Smooth check out, then off to breakfast. Bags taken to the front, well off to the side with construction but you know what I mean. We said our goodbye’s and boarded the bus. Sad ride to the airport but without incident. No problems checking in. Club Mobay was good but probably not needed as it was not overly crowded.
    Flight to Miami was without incident and when I did my check in online I did get us bumped to first class for the flight from Miami to Philadelphia. We used a new app for my phone called “mobile passport” and it worked like a charm, by passed a lot of lines. Got our bags and rechecked them and said good bye to our friends. Found our gate and boarded shortly after.
    Short ride but first class is still so much nicer. Got to Philly and got our bags, and got on our shuttle bus to our truck. Drove home and did a quick unpack and then just relaxed for a bit.
    All the worries people had over construction that I said again I understand, but were not needed. Everything was great. They really went out of their way to make sure the people there had a great vacation.
    The discounts for the spa, and gift store, was a nice bonus and we took advantage of it.
    From what I can see and now the pics of it just about done, they did an amazing job and I can’t wait to get back in April to see it in person.
    Eating under the tent was ok but needed more fans, as it was very hot and humid that time of the year, and we did miss our ceiling fans from the main dining room.
    It is nice to have a not sold out resort where you can actually chat in the pool and move around. Some people like the bigger crowd, we thought it was just perfect.
    Weather was iffy as it always is in Sept but it was not too bad and we always made the best of it. Night time seemed to clear up and so was the morning, sunny and nice every day.
    Entertainment was still spot on, I can’t imagine how hot they were up on that stage under the tent dancing and performing. We got to see the steel drum band on Monday and though shorter they always give an amazing performance.
    Another great and most relaxing trip. We had plans to do a tour or two or get of site for dinner but ended up just relaxing all week. And it was perfect. Great time with great friends.
    Now to start planning for kitten and angel’s Spring Fling April 9th – 16th, 2016. Much to do, much to do.

    P.S. If I missed anyone it was not intentional, we enjoyed every moment we spent with everyone. One Love
    Co-Hosts of kitten + angel's 15th Annual Spring Fling April 9th - 16th, 2022 (We will be onsite 4/7/22 - 4/18/22)

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Thank you again Cop for a very detailed trip report and your daily efforts to make this travelogue are appreciated by all.

    It was also interesting to read about a Sept. Hedo trip because they seem to more rare.

    Enjoy your anticipation of your pending April trip!

  3. #3
    Registered User Cdn_cpl's Avatar
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    Great report, thanks for taking the time, makes us want to book another trip right now.

  4. #4
    Registered User CopNkitten's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    We can't wait to get back to see the finished renovations
    Co-Hosts of kitten + angel's 15th Annual Spring Fling April 9th - 16th, 2022 (We will be onsite 4/7/22 - 4/18/22)

  5. #5
    Registered User Brian&Terri's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Great report cop. I'm reading it at the other happiest place on earth ha. See you in April.
    1ST TRIP APRIL 27TH MAY 1ST 2013
    8TH TRIP November 6th to 14th

  6. #6
    Always look forward to this gentleman's report!! Always a great read! Thanks for your time!! Come on June!!

  7. #7
    Registered User Elle & Jaybyrd's Avatar
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    Cop, Always great to see Kitten and you as well!
    Don't live to to for vacations at Hedo :cool9
    Next trip....9/20/15 - 9/27/15
    4th Trip...7/28/13 - 8/4/12 for Elle's 40th BD
    3rd trip... 3/30/12 - 4/7/12
    2nd trip... 4/2/11 - 4/9/11
    1st trip....9/18/10 - 9/26/10

  8. #8
    Registered User Naughty Nudists's Avatar
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    Thanks for another awesome detailed report,almost,but not quite as good as being there!Looking forward to seeing all ya'll in April.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator 2naughty's Avatar
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    Great report as always a pleasure to read. Glad to hear you had a great time even with the renovations going on.
    Past Trips:
    November: 2008, 2011, 2012
    October: 2016
    January: 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020

    Upcoming Trip: January 19th - 31st 2021

  10. #10
    Registered User Ontario's Avatar
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    Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Another great report.... So glad we were there the same time as all of you....see you in April

  11. #11
    Registered User Gracelynn's Avatar
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    Thanks for the report we are going to be there on November the 5th for 11 days. (A flight issue) we have never stayed for that long so we are doing a lot of things off resort. So glad that you guys had a great trip as usual even with the renovations. Do you know if you can just do Mobay on the outgoing flight?

  12. #12
    Registered User CopNkitten's Avatar
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    I believe you can schedule it one way or combo of both.
    So you should be good.
    Co-Hosts of kitten + angel's 15th Annual Spring Fling April 9th - 16th, 2022 (We will be onsite 4/7/22 - 4/18/22)

  13. #13
    Registered User CapnMorgan's Avatar
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    Cop, once again a totally outstanding trip report, right up to your usual standard. Definitely another 2 pigtails up!
    St. Martin, FWI, 1991-2011
    Hedonism II -January 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (x2), 2017
    Cayo Largo, Cuba, December 1-7, 2014
    Hedonism II - April 10-17, 2016 K&A Spring Fling
    Hedonism II - April 16-23, 2017 K&A Spring Fling
    Hedonism II - April 8-15, 2018 K&A Spring Fling
    Hedo 2 April 14-21, 2019 K&A Spring Fling
    H2 April 8-17, 2022 K&A Spring Fling

    "If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done" - Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
    Registered User CopNkitten's Avatar
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    You know I love the pigtails up
    Co-Hosts of kitten + angel's 15th Annual Spring Fling April 9th - 16th, 2022 (We will be onsite 4/7/22 - 4/18/22)

  15. #15
    Registered User mac_r_a's Avatar
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    Surprise It was great meeting you guys!
    LUSH - Ladies Untamed Sexy Hedonistic - April 16-23, 2022

    Click here to book your April trip!!!

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