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Thread: What i dislike about Temptations

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    What i dislike about Temptations

    Even though the party scene there is friggin awesome, food is great..bartenders really nice there are serious issues with Temptations that I feel will eventually result in their fall. My two biggest items:
    1) The room share that they push you so much to try to purchase, absolutely hate's a total money grab and waste of precious vacation time, i wonder where their customer service is on this.
    2) This whole VIP deal is actually pretty third world and degrading. If you re not VIP you do not get water anywhere in the resort, you'd have to go to reception and they send it over to your room. Yup, total basic life necessity denied to the cockroaches that are not VIP folks! You watch the VIP get all the water they want when they re thirsty or drunk..but nooo you gotta watch and die in the heat. My last trip we had no water in the room and they said at reception that they ran out of water, we waited until the next day to get clean drinking water...some neighbours were nice enough to share their water with us....but GEEZUZ!!

    My two cents but hopefully this changes in the future with this resort!

  2. #2
    That's not true. Every room fridge at Temptation has water, as do all the bars and all the restaurants. There are several water cooler type bottles that you can help yourself to regardless of wristband color. It would be pretty ridiculous if a hotel in a Caribbean climate didn't provide water to their guests.
    Last edited by steve83; 04-09-2017 at 09:50 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User Habfan68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve83 View Post
    That's not true. Every room fridge has water, as do all the bars and all the restaurants. There are several water cooler type bottles that you can help yourself to regardless of wristband color. It would be pretty ridiculous if a hotel in a Carribean climate didn't provide water to their guests.
    I couldn't agree more. I'm not sure what happened to these people.

    A) We've been 3 times and never even gone to a presentation and were never bothered.

    B) Beer and water in the fridge every day and never a problem getting water anywhere else.

    We're not Premier or VIP members, just regular people booking through Expedia
    Lenny & Eva

    TTR Cancun 2008 & 2016
    TTR Los Cabos 2010
    Hedo 2016, 2018, 2019

  4. #4
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    I may have to disagree guys, we did not have any water in our fridge and had to drink glasses from the restaurants as they "ran out" of bottles. Also every single time we went..3x now they always seat you down at the beginning of your vacation and try to collect a deposit of $40 for a time share presentation. Try asking for a water bottle at the regular pool bar next time you go and see what the response is (btw check trip advisor reviews...we re not the only ones)
    Don't get me wrong..aside from that the crowd is wild and the party is incredible...but those are things the resort have to really hash out if they re looking to grow their name...we re never going back there unless we hear otherwise.

  5. #5
    Could be that they ran out of bottled water for the rooms, although I've never known that myself in scores of trips there.

    As for the bars and restaurants, they never run out. It might be that they didn't have the half liter plastic bottles, but they will serve you purified water for sure. It's exactly the same water, just that it comes in a 5 Gallon container, so they will serve it in a regular cup.

  6. #6
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    What I didn't like is - 1) the pool bar closes too early 2) Most nights there wasn't anything to do when we've been there and they try to talk you into going downtown to party in loud clubs with 20 year olds until 4:00am, 3) the beach is open and families with little kids come strolling by while ass shaking games are going on at the pool and topless people frolic in the waves in front of them, 4) the pervs that are allowed to take pictures of the topless guests - what if you're, let's say a teacher at a catholic school in Nebraska? Do you care if your ta-tas are posted all over the internet? Could be a deal breaker for the old employment contract

  7. #7
    Registered User misbehaving's Avatar
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    We hate the whole "VIP" thing and the time share crap at Temptation! Won't go back there because of it.

  8. #8
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    We were just there in December and didn't experience any time share pressure or shortage of bottles water. I did however inform the girl that wanted to sit down and tell me about the resort that I wasn't interested in a time share and she actually did take just 3 minutes to tell us about the restaurant choices and gave us a property map and we were on our way to the room. Maybe it has something to do with my resting bitch face! Lol!

  9. #9
    Registered User jshell's Avatar
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    Geez just go to Hedo

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