Why go to Hedo in June with the Krewe de Krazy Life?

  1. The Travel Slut
    The Travel Slut
    After 11 times @ Hedo & lots of research on when the KrewedeKrazyLife should go & 3rd/4th week of June was decided.

    June's great because School is out for most, rainy/hurricane season has not really started, Hedo & Caribbean waters are the warmest, it's low season for resort rates/airlines, resort sold out/nearly sold & energy is high, gift bags, private M&G, some years a bodypainter, zero mandatory obligations 24/7

    Ann, The TravelSlut

    EMAIL & IM: TheTravelSlut@yahoo.com

    YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fQ3JT1F3fE

    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/TheTravelSlut

    FLICKR: http://www.flickr.com/groups/hedonismresortgrouptrip

    YAHOO! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Krewed...ifers4Hedonism
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