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  1. bacwoodscpl
    Now that's an idea will have to see what he can come up with lol For those not members of DJ's Island, the best club in western PA. We sponsor a Glow Pool party in Hedo during Ms No Swimsuit. Don't know what night it is yet but pack glow stuff &/or outfit if you want to dress for it, we also bring stuff to give away but you can bring your own if you want. Can't wait to see you Whtzup. Don't forget your "magic glow fingers" lol
  2. Whtzup
    HAHA! Cathy, I'm trying to get the company to give me a case discount!!!
  3. Jamaica Joe
    Jamaica Joe
    Oh, I don't think I could ever forget who you are Cathy! Just want to get the introductions made for everyone here in this Ms. NSS 2014 Group.

    Not sure if I'll bring my purple Mardi Gras costume and platform shoes this year. That one costume and pair of shoes takes up a whole lot of luggage space, and Masc-Parade is the very first theme night anyway.
  4. hedotwo
    Hi we are Sonia and Sean it will be trip "19" we luv to meet you all say Hi.
  5. Jamaica Joe
    Jamaica Joe
    Hi Sonia and Sean, our Trips will overlap by a few days. So, we'll just have to make sure you have such a good time that you want to come back in March of 2015 for Ms. NSS next year.
  6. Paul and Sandra
    Paul and Sandra
    Hi everyone.We are Paul and Sandra. She goes by Sam but Paul and Sam can sound like 2 men not that there's anything wrong with that lol. Our trip overlaps your week. We are there from the 13th to 21rst and can't wait to get away from the cold as well and into the debauchery . This will be our 3rd trip to Hedo in 3 years. We were thinking of booking somewhere different this time but just couldn't do it. Looks like an amazing bunch of ppl going to be there this trip!
  7. Jamaica Joe
    Jamaica Joe
    Welcome, Paul & Sandra! I haven't been able to vacation anywhere else since my first Hedo trip either...just don't want to wear a bathing suit. Hedo always seems to have a fair number of Canadian guests in March.
  8. bacwoodscpl
    we have our glow outfits all together and extras to give away DJ's Pool Glow party is Sun night this year, even Todd is going to "shine". only 31 more days of this nasty white stuff then I can be suckin on a dirty banana at the pool.
  9. stewanda
    Hi, we are Larry and Anne and we will be arriving on the 6th. This is our first trip and we are looking forward to all the fun.
  10. MjSl
    We are Mike and Stacy. We'll be there 3/9 - 3/14. Our first time. Looking forward to a fun filled getaway!
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