Conversation Between Bigal239 and lynnsteven

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Do you have Yahoo messenger? We would love to chat on there whenver you are free. Our screen name is bigal_n_559. Friend us so we can chat. The time is going by sooooooooo slow! I think I've read every damn post in the Forums!
  2. yes, this will be our second trip and we are out to check some boxes we left unchecked last time! LOL You are going to love it. If you guys would like to chat some so that you "know" somebody there, we are defintely up for it. Shelly and NIck
  3. Hello there! We will be at Hedo II May 9th-15th. Is this your first time? It is our first time and we are SO excited!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3