Blog Comments

  1. charlie's Avatar
    You could easily manage on $100 cash. You cannot tip at the resort and the gift shop accepts all major credit cards. If you desire spa services or excursions you may also pay for that with credit cards.

    Have fun!
  2. Blueeyes12's Avatar
    We usually take about $300 and take mostly $5 and $1's for tipping as you come and go. You always need a little cash at the airport for food or buying rum cream. Hope that helps. If you are not going to do many excursions, you do not need very much money.

    See ya!
  3. BrianandRachel's Avatar
    We was wondering the same. We get there on the 26th. This is are first time to Hedo III. We went to Sandels approx. 7 years ago.