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  • happy2us's Avatar
    Today, 05:33 PM
    happy2us replied to a thread H2 Foam Party? in Hedonism II
    Excellent, thanks! I like it better during the day like Le Glamour @ Cap.
    5 replies | 579 view(s)
  • sunandsea's Avatar
    Today, 04:35 PM
    sunandsea replied to a thread H2 Foam Party? in Hedonism II
    Last April it was on a Thursday in the afternoon around 2 ish
    5 replies | 579 view(s)
  • happy2us's Avatar
    Today, 01:44 PM
    happy2us replied to a thread H2 Foam Party? in Hedonism II
    Thanks, I can't find anything about it on the H2 site. Is on a specific day of the week? I think it used to be Wednesday's maybe? Is it daytime or...
    5 replies | 579 view(s)
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